Does any one besides me want to pull their hair out at times??? I'm not sure where to go to scream! If the kids aren't bickering with each other then they're getting into things that they shouldn't and ruining other things. Sometimes I feel as though perpetual destruction surrounds me! God, please tell me there is more to my life than slobbered up books, dirty diapers, and messes. I'm feeling quite lonely and overwhelmed at the moment. I suppose it helps to write it out rather than throw something across the room! Hope your day is going better than mine. ;O)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
A Shower Of Babies....
So, when all your friends are having babies doesn't it make you feel like having one too??? Yep I miss the sweetness of a new born; it just doesn't last long enough. That soft, downy hair and silky cheeks. Before they go and get a mind of their own and start telling you "NO". I guess the only thing I don't really miss is the looooong, late nights! But I guess I will just have to get my baby fix from all my friends who are soon to be new mommies again or for the first time. Isn't it funny how so many people you know get pregnant all at the same time? I just was thinking how interesting it is. When I was pregnant with my son, both my sisters-in-law were pregnant! And we were all due withing a six week time frame of each other! Now let's see, I have 4 friends who are all due this spring and another due in August! I think it's great! I just love babies!
Posted by Peachy at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
He Sees Me!
Why it has taken me so long to acknowledge my desire to be beautiful? Surely I've known this before! Or have I? I have always wanted to be pretty, but beyond that I have wanted to matter. To be someone who was not just look at but seen; seen for who I am and what I could and will be.
I became afraid to face who I really was, indeed I didn't even know that person inside me! I had to "fabricate me" I had to try on all manner of "faces" because the one I had was never good enough. Physical beauty aside, "I" wanted to be noticed, to be someone, to be seen.
God forgive me for looking to everyone and everything else to be seen when you saw me the whole time. Even before I began to see myself. You truly are El Roi - the God who Sees. You see me; you see my tears and hurts, you see my joys and happiness, you see my screw ups and failures. You know me better than I know me!
I lived many years with a famine of heart, because I didn't know that my desire to be seen could only be fulfilled completely by God. God's eye sees me! And in his eyes I am beautiful, I am someone, I am here, I am seen. I am still learning to live in this truth, I've found myself practicing it more and more each day, each week.
Posted by Peachy at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
People Are Like Shoes
I actually wrote this some time ago, but it is one of my favorite on the spot writtings, so I thought I'd post it here too.
People Are Like Shoes
People are like shoes. There are many different looking shoes: some are small, some are tall, some have feathers, some have laces, some are black, some are white, some are fast, some are slow. While shoes can be unique they generally fit into a few common categories.
The same is true for people. Some people are "sneakers"; they are known as the comfortable ones. Often at ease with life they are the friends you talk to until the early hours of the morning. As the conversation moves from light-hearted to serious and meaningful you’ve found an empathetic confidant; someone you entrust with the "ins and outs" of your life. The "sneaker" is non-judgmental and known as a counselor of wise advice. They are active and often graceful in attitude. I’ve found the "sneakers" in my life to be a joy as well as a great asset.
After a stroll down memory lane with a "sneaker" think about boots; the shoes you put on to protect your feet. "Boots" are sturdy and thick skinned people, and they believe everyone should be that way. They are reliable and dependable; you can always count on a "boot". Often misconstrued as hard-hearted and aggressive "boots" have a tender inside they prefer to conceal. They are rough and unruffled when insisting for their viewpoint. When there is a "boot" around someone may get trampled; albeit unintentionally.
Next to the "boot" sits the "high heel". These people are the noticeable leader with the mission in mind. With incredible drive and great passion their dynamism can often be overwhelming. "High heels" are described by others as curt or aloof. They are the people who get things done; like it or not. "High heels" sometimes have a hard time communicating on a personal level with others.
When it comes to communication look toward a "sandal" and you will find great comedy and drama. These are the social bugs of the world. Cheerful, sweet and light-hearted "sandals" can talk to anyone: and they do. Always smiling they can be theatrical or over dramatic. "Sandals" are breezy and often engage in drivel speech. Rambling on in nonsense they can lose their train of thought easily. Although "sandals" tend to be quite sensitive they usually get over hurt quickly.
You cannot easily hurt someone who has great understanding of who they are. These are the "penny loafers". Highly intelligent and logical, they base most decisions on fact and ethics. You won’t catch them watching too many sappy loves movies. Instead they would rather enrich their mind by reading a good book by the fire whiling drinking some hot tea. They are the teachers, professors, pastors, and philosophers. In conversation they will usually lead you around and help you think of things you never thought of before. They are not always "nerds"; they are always well informed though. Watch out or they may ambush you in your arguments. Sometimes egotistical they will tell you what is right and expect you to believe them because they have brains on their side. Don’t let this intimidate you though. Remember that they have often lived more than you have and glean from their knowledge and experience.
One last category of people is the one I fondly call the "foot wears". They are the complicated ones because their personalities tend to fall into two or more of the other categories. A combination of "penny loafers", "sandals", "high heels", "boots", and or "sneakers" the "foot wears" are the most interesting to be around. They are quirky and fit many different behavior types. Good luck trying to figure them out; leave that to the psychoanalysts!
So which "shoe" is the best fit for you? Well I would say all of the above. People truly are like shoes; you have different pairs for different occasions. And so the assets you find in different kinds of people will lend themselves to different situations. If you wear the same pair of shoes with every out fit it would be rather boring. Likewise if you don’t interact with a diverse group of people you will find yourself dwelling in nominal and predictable situations throughout your life.
Posted by Peachy at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun, personality, shoes
The first thing I said this morning...
The first thing I said this morning was: "GO back to bed, please." Is it just me, or do other moms find themselves in those early morning hours with their little ones hugging their stuffed animals and hovering just above your face. I find that this is me far to often! If only I could get up before my kids wake! Then I could have a normal breakfast, drink my coffee, and have a morning prayer time all to myself. Oh it's not selfish, I do need time to just be me before I am thrust into being "Mommy". Trouble is when I find myself able to get up early my kids have already beat me up again (not literally of course). What's a tired mom to do other than say: "GO back to bed, please." On the rare occasion that I actually do get up before my children I have been known to break into song when they do get up. My rendition of "Good morning, good morning, it's great to stay up late, good morning, good morning to you" is not bad, but it could use some more practice. And that's why most mornings I say "Go back to bed please." (I've got to practice after all.) No, it doesn't usually work.....I most often have to get up anyway.....such is the life of mommy!
Posted by Peachy at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: first thing, go back to bed, mommy, morning
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Never Done This Before
This is an official first for me! I'm not so sure how you're supposed to do these things......are there some special rules that I need to follow? Some kind of "blog etiquette"? I suppose I've always considered myself too low tech for this kind of thing. You know, just happy enough to be able to type a letter and then print it. Yep! Shocking I know. There's someone still out there who doesn't know how to use high tech gadgets, and they're under 30!!! You'd think they would teach these kinds of things in school......"and now class it's time for Blogging 101." This is okay with me though. I will learn by what ever means possible: trial and error most likely! And hopefully it won't all be meaningless drivel. Thanks.
Posted by Peachy at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blog Etiquette, first time, high tech